What does CWBS do?
We organize and provide educational events, networking resources, exposure to career opportunities, and mentoring relationships with successful businesswomen. All of our events are open to past and present Columbia students.
Read our organization's constitution here and visit our Get Involved page to learn more!
Whether you are a student, alum, or professional, we look forward to working with you in continuing CWBS's program.
Our Mission
Columbia Women's Business Society (CWBS) was founded in 2003 to establish a pre-professional network specifically for women. Since then, we have grown into the largest pre-professional club on Columbia’s campus, specializing in aiding women who are interested in learning more about the world of business and its vast possibilities. As an undergraduate women's organization, we aim to create a business leadership network between Columbia and Barnard students and female professionals in New York City and beyond. We are committed to helping Columbia women attain their professional goals.
Over 2000 women across Columbia and Barnard's campuses come together for networking, outreach, and mentorship events.
The six CWBS committees each focus on a vital aspect of CWBS, and use teamwork to improve our club’s reach and garner interest from new and expanding areas. Our committees are: Conference, Professional Development, Corporate Engagement, Membership Engagement, External Initiatives, and Digital Marketing.
Made up of fourteen women, the Executive Board is responsible for planning events, organizing committees, and maintaining the mission of CWBS.
Meet our E-Board ↓