Learn how you can get involved.
Wherever you are, we would love to have you.
For Students
First Steps…
Committee Membership.
Committee applications for the 2022-23 school year have closed. Applications will open again in the Fall.
Joining a committee is a great way to get more involved with CWBS. Each of the 7 committees are focused on a distinct aspect of our club’s activities and involve different strengths/interests, so there’s something for everyone to get excited about. You can learn more about specific committees through the application linked above.
CWBS NEWSLETTER. [no application needed]
Interested in joining CWBS and unsure where to start? Sign up to receive our weekly newsletter to stay up to date on all our events, featured internships and job postings! No application needed!
To subscribe please email columbia.cwbs@gmail.com with your name, uni, and email.
Going Further…
SCOPE MEMBERSHIP. [apply now!]
Join The Scope for exclusive access to events, pre-professional resources, networking opportunities, resume drops, special guest speakers. The Scope provides access to a community of 200 CWBS members, hosted over Slack, as well as an exclusive newsletter and podcast.
You are eligible to apply if you are a current student at one of Columbia University's four undergraduate schools: Columbia College, School of General Studies, The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science, or Barnard College. Decisions are made on a rolling basis. Apply here!
E-Board applications for the 2023-2024 school year have closed. Applications for E-Board will open again next Spring.
Made up of fifteen women, the Executive Board is responsible for planning events, organizing committees, and maintaining the mission of CWBS. You can learn more about specific positions through the application linked above.
To learn more about the organization of leadership within CWBS, visit our About Us page.
For Alumni
Join our Alumni group, Columbia Women's Business Society Alumni (CWBSA), for fun events, networking opportunities, and mentorship.
As part of our efforts to put on our annual conference and continue to provide outstanding programming to future businesswomen on campus, we are seeking contributions from friends & family of CWBS. A donation can be made through here for an amount of your choosing. Additionally, donations will be recognized in our conference booklet and CWBS website as follows:
Platinum recognition: $500 +
Gold recognition: $250+
Silver recognition: $100+
Bronze recognition: $50+
Thank you so much for your support!
Social Media Spotlight
(follow us on Instagram for more)